SEO Target Marketing
February 28th, 2008 by admin
SEO Target Marketing can be easily accomplished with a little bit of Keyword Research.
Try these simple steps to seo target marketing now.
- use the FREE keyword suggestion tool to research your particular niche
- once the results for the top 100 keyword searches come back, rather than focus on the obvious top keywords, scan down to the middle and look closer at the “Long Tail” keywords, the less obvious keywords.
- Now, take the road less traveled, and do a Google search for what we can call the “secondary words”
- Have a look at who gets top placement for these words. If they are PR8 sites and have 30,000 backlinks, perhaps you should look for a less popular word. You need the right balance between targeted keyword phrases and a term that is not completely dominated.
- One major mistake a lot of websites make is to go after the most obvious keywords; DON’T DO THAT!
- Look for keyword terms that bring back sites in the top position that you think you could do battle with. Why enter into an arena with the champions, when there are thousands of targeted words that get traffic with less competition.
- Now that you have identified the right mix of keyword phrases, use them to create a page. Match your title tag, meta tag and theme of the page on this keyword research. Create a quality page of content and provide uniqe information.
- If you have a blog, better yet; use the keyword you just identified as the blog post title
- Try it, and let us know when it works
Category: Keywords, SEO, Strategy | 111 Comments »